As a winner of this year’s TTG Travel Awards, you or your organisation may wish to issue a press release on your victory. If you or your organisation would like to do so, please follow the publicity guidelines below.

Our intention is to ensure that all information about TTG Travel Awards is as accurate as possible.

Correct Terminology

Please only refer to the Awards as the 33rd Annual TTG Travel Awards 2024 or the TTG Travel Awards.


Please avoid exaggerating or stretching the truth when describing the award.


Please state the title of the specific award that you have won.

Logo Usage

Please feel free to use the official TTG Travel Awards 2024 logo available here in your publicity materials relating to your win at the 33rd Annual TTG Travel Awards 2024.
You are allowed to adjust the size of the TTG Travel Awards 2024 logo. Please note that the logo must only be resized proportionately.
Should you require assistance for the logo, please contact

Website Guidelines

The same guidelines apply to all information posted on your external or internal website.
